Sure Signs of Being Cursed

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you want to know more about curses. Perhaps you suspect that a curse or hex may have been placed upon you. If so, keep reading. Or perhaps you just want to stay protected from curses. This is the article for you then, too. Whatever your interest, these are the top ten signs that you are almost certainly cursed:

10. Nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, or strange nighttime sensations. One of the most evident symptoms of being cursed or hexed is trouble sleeping. This can range from sleep paralysis and nightmares to simply having an unusually restless sleep. While everyone has the occasional nightmare, consistent experiences of nightmares is a strong indication a curse has been placed on an individual.

9. Loss of energy. Curses and hexes can turn individuals described as vibrant and positive to dull and boring. Fatigue and sudden loss of energy is a strong symptom of most curses. This is especially true for curses and hexes placed to drain individuals of their energy. Psychic vampires are notable for working in this fashion.

8. Misfortune of loved ones. If loved ones or people close to you suddenly start experiencing an unusual amount of misfortune, this is a clear symptom a curse has been placed. While we expect curses to affect the person they are placed upon, it doesn’t always work like that. This is because some curses are directed at damaging a person’s entire life, which includes harming those around the victim. These types of curses are becoming increasingly common, and unfortunately can be devastating.

7. Financial or property loss. Sudden and unexpected losses of property or financial loss are good indicators of a curse. Many curses are intended to affect a specific aspect of a person’s life, such as finances, health, or relationships. Anything from being laid off at work to becoming the victim of (supposedly) random vandalism can be the outcomes of a financial curse. If you’ve experienced sudden financial losses, it’s worth asking if you’ve been cursed.

6. Relationship trouble. Curses directed at harming relationships may be the most abundant curses in existence. Curses of this nature can turn happy and healthy marriages into trainwreck failure marriages, so beware. It’s very common for things to be going perfectly and then suddenly, without warning, to take a turn for the worst.

5. Deterioration of health. While sickness has many natural causes and should always be appraised by qualified medical professionals, it is important to note that magical curses and hexes do, in fact, cause sickness. Healthy individuals can be made sick instantly with some curses, while other curses manifest themselves as gradual declines in health.

4. Legal trouble. Lawsuits and criminal charges may often stem from curses. Curses can manifest themselves in such a fashion that innocent people are accused of crimes or torts, or may actually incline people to engage in criminal behavior that may result in their misfortunes. Whatever the case, if an individual suddenly experiences legal trouble it can be a symptom of being cursed.

3. Direct perceptions of being cursed. Some curses are more obvious, causing individuals to be directly tormented by hallucinations or delusions. Additionally, as some employ spiritual beings the victim may find themselves directly harassed by such entities. As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. If a person has strong experiences of being cursed, there is a good chance they are.

2. Sudden and serious illness. As opposed to a gradual reduction in health, sudden and serious illnesses are strong symptoms of harmful magics at work. These usually manifest themselves as specific, serious illnesses that afflict the victim acutely. As the nature of these curses are especially dangerous, they should be dealt with as soon as possible.

1. Death. Yes, people can actually die from curses. Death by harmful magic can manifest itself in a myriad of ways, from suicide to sickness to car accident. Unfortunately, after this symptom is present it is already too late to help the victim. The key is to block and remove curses before this occurs, not wait until after. Additionally, powerful curses may even harm those around the intended victim, so it is important to deal with them in any situation.

All of the symptoms listed above are indications a curse has been placed on someone. Individually they are not proof per se, but collectively they should be taken as strong evidence. What this means is that if someone experiences one or more of the symptoms above, they should seriously consider that a curse may be the cause of it. The more symptoms there are, the stronger the likelihood a curse has been placed.

However, a curse is no reason to lose hope. At the fist sign of evidence a curse has been placed immediate action should be taken to remove the curse. Additionally, there are ways to prevent a curse. Caution should be taken, however, when attempting to fight a curse, as inexperienced casters may actually compound it and make it worse. You should seek out a professional witch to remove or protect you from curses.

Divorce Law Myths in Australia

There are many myths about the laws that govern divorce in Australia. A lot of television shows, such as Boston Legal will have many viewers believing that divorce is a complicated and daunting process. However the majority of divorces never make it to court and only about 5% actually have a judge that makes the final decision. The majority of divorce claims reach a mutual agreement between the two parties before entering the courtroom.

The assistance of a lawyer will speed up the process and will guide you through any complications along the way. A qualified divorce lawyer can answer all questions relating to your divorce claim, including child custody, courtroom affairs and division of assets and property. In most cases your lawyer will be able to reach a settlement with the other party without standing before a judge.

Equal Child Custody
The idea that children will receive equal custody by both parents is not true and neither is the thought that mothers receive more custody. There are a few legislations that state equal child custody however these legislations are not mandatory. The truth is child custody is decided by 3 factors; firstly the childs age and their ability to decide which parent is in their best interest.

Secondly, the safety of the venue the child will be residing, including the home, contents and the surrounding area. Lastly is the practicality of the arrangement, including the distance from school and other facilities the child requires. Another myth surrounding child custody is that there is a high abuse rate. The abuse rate is actually higher in intact families as opposed to separated families where both parents have custody.

Half All Assets and Property
Again only 5% of divorce claims settle property and assets before a judge, as the majority of claims are settled outside of court. Even when settling before a judge, the chance of receiving equal amounts is very rare. In contrast to what many people believe, the earning capacity of each spouse is not the basis for the division of property and assets. Rather home duties are weighed together and the home maker will in most cases receive up to 70%.

For example the father may be more employable than the mother; however the mother has more home caring skills and will most likely end up with a larger settlement. There are cases where the main home carer will not receive the majority of property and assets, and that is when assets exceed an exceptional amount, such as property over one million dollars.

The Jury Decides
Nearly all matters concerning family law will not have a jury and will only have a judge. Divorce claims are held in family or federal courts, where only a judge, registrar or magistrate is present. The only exception is criminal acts, which are not treated as family law and are handled differently.

The majority of simple answers surrounding divorce law are myths, because they cannot be explained briefly. If you are serious about a divorce claim, then you should consult a professional family divorce lawyer. The best way is to jump online and Google family lawyers in your area.

Collaborative Divorce — breaking up doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank

The collaborative process, started by Minneapolis family lawyer Stuart Webb in 1990, provides alternative dispute resolution using a team of professionals working jointly for the couple, rather than in adversarial roles. It is just now hitting the radar screen in Illinois, where practitioners estimate that about 300 divorces have been handled this way in the last several years. The state averages about 35,000 divorces a year, records show.

Both parties agree not to enter litigation. Couples often hire attorneys trained in collaborative law and bring in shared accountants, financial planners, business valuation experts, child psychologists and even life coaches to help the couple. Unlike impartial mediators, the attorneys can advise their clients as advocates.

Proponents say it dramatically cuts the tension–and the costs–involved in traditional contested divorces.

There are skeptics, however. Among the critics are those who say the peacefulness of the process encourages divorce and attorneys who say the best representation for any divorcing spouse is a vigorous offense.

Participants in a collaborative divorce sign documents promising to disclose all assets, and their attorneys agree to walk away from the case if the parties end up going to trial.

An average contested divorce can run about $30,000, but it’s not uncommon for some to reach six figures, attorneys say.

Collaborative costs vary widely, depending on the number of professionals involved and the number of meetings it takes for spouses to agree on a settlement. Collaborative attorneys estimate that most of these cases settle for half to a third of what their bill would have been with a court battle. Settlements must be reviewed and approved by a judge.

Costs ranged from $5,000 to $21,000, representing as high as 15 percent of annual household income.

Even friendly divorces come with costs that reach beyond the courtroom, however, and women especially tend to feel the strain. Divorce Magazine reported the drop in standard of living for women after divorce was 45 percent in 2000. About 20 percent of people filing personal bankruptcy had been recently divorced, according to Harvard University law professor Elizabeth Warren, who has studied families in dire financial straits since 1986 and who is considered one of the leading national authorities on bankruptcies.

Your staff: In addition to consulting attorneys, divorcing couples are turning to specialized financial planners to run living cost estimates, decide the value of family businesses and prepare investment return projections on proposed settlements.

Typically these are accountants, certified financial planners or other financial advisers who offer a specialized divorce practice. Someone who has a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst designation has also taken a self-study course and completed four exams related to divorce finances, but be sure to inquire what other credentials he or she has. Training is done through the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts in Southfield, Mich. (800-875-1760).

If you’ll need help valuing assets or a business, or suspect your future ex may be hiding money you also may need to contact a forensic accountant.

If you are the primary breadwinner but are considering a lower-paying job as you go through the divorce transition years, tread carefully. Some judges will require you to maintain your family’s previous standard of living. A judge may rule you’re more than capable of a high earning power and decide to award less alimony.

Your portfolio: If you think you’ll have to draw down some retirement money to cover expenses in the first few years of divorce, do it sooner rather than later, this way you can take a distribution at the time of divorce without a penalty,

Your tax return: Be sure to consider the tax consequences of your divorce settlement. The more money a primary breadwinner doles out as alimony instead of child support, the more he or she can deduct from income, experts say. The spouse receiving the alimony will have to pay income taxes on the money, but usually it will be at a lower tax bracket. Child support, on the other hand, isn’t deductible from income.

Adjusting To Your Divorce

Parenting through divorce presents new and changing relationships for everyone. Adjusting to the process of letting go of the concept of the two-parent family and accepting the idea of new relationships takes time. Take the time to go slow when initiating a new relationship to give children time to deal with different lifestyles and eventually the possibility of an extended family. Rushing into dating may be viewed by your child as competition for your love and attention. Old fears of abandonment may surface as the fantasy dissolves that the divorcing parents will unite. As a result of the divorce, some children lose trust in adults and are slow to accept a new adult into their life. It is important to talk to your children about their feelings and their role in the new step-family. Communication, reassurance, and time will help your child make the needed adjustment.

Before dating, give your children enough time to adjust to the idea that mom and dad will be seeing other people. Make your activities with your date a part of a group function. Starting your social life with friends the children already know may also help them get the point that you are dating. In the beginning of a new relationship, meet your dates away from home to avoid having a number of different people in your home and your child’s life. Your child had lived through difficult changes and should not be asked to adjust to something else this significant unless it is necessary. Choose with care whom you let get close to your family. Before you introduce them, let your children know the nature of your relationship. Begin with a few short outings to take the pressure off forced conversation. If it looks as if the relationship will be long term, outings can gradually become longer. It is important to reassure your children of your love for them. They are less likely to accept someone they perceive as a threat to their relationship with you. It is crucial that they know that the person is not a replacement for their absent parent.

Peter Frampton, to grow to be a Three-time Divorcee

Rock singer Peter Frampton is receiving a divorce from his spouse, Christina Elfers, bringing an conclude to a 15-12 months long marriage. The rocker is noted to have filed for divorce in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. The reason cited in the divorce papers are mentioned to be irreconcilable distinctions.
They Made this Bed

Reportedly, Frampton is mentioned to have asked for joint custody of the teenage daughter of the couple. The Los Angeles County is recognized for its large amount of divorces and also bankruptcy, filed by many abundant businessmen, not able to repay huge debts and receiving their bankruptcy attorneys to help them. But these attorneys can only do so significantly given that this metropolis is falling under burdensome laws and massive tax hikes positioned onto Las Angelinians.
Sole Custody
Peter Frampton has requested that the couple’s daughter, Mia, be in the main bodily custody of his soon-to-be ex-spouse. The marriage did not fairly adhere to the third-time fortunate syndrome, as this was without a doubt, the rock star’s 3rd marriage and now divorce. It is explained that the few have been separated for at least 6-months now. Peter Frampton is a hugely-profitable, 6-time platinum offering artist. His album Frampton Comes Alive was the finest marketing album in the 12 months 1976. The few will not be dealing with bankruptcy lawyers anytime quickly because it appears to be they have remained economically inside of themselves.
Palimony Stories
While Peter’s third divorce appears to be to be reasonably tranquil, his earlier break-ups weren’t so easy sailing. A single of Frampton’s renowned legal instances, not involving bankruptcy attorneys, was way back again in the 1970s. Peter was living with his girlfriend Penny McCall, and it was an era when attorneys in the West Coast had been aiding wealthy stay-in girlfriends get Palimony from their boyfriends. Frampton’s attorneys fought difficult against Penny’s and won – very good for them. m.